The company “HALTEK” sums up the results of the year

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HALTEK group of companies (member of RAWI) has been working since 1993 and today is one of the leading companies in the field of supply of complex engineering services “turnkey”: from the drawing to the finished part and carries out the following types of works and services.

The company HALTEK is a traditional participant of largest business forums in Russia and abroad. Participation in Congress and exhibition events allows not only to expand business contacts of the company, to get acquainted with actual novelties of branch, but also to demonstrate novelties of the Metalworking branch presented by the Company. The company is an active participant in the industry and holds its own events for business partners and major customers. Such an event, for example, was #HALTEKTEKHNOFEST, traditionally held in the framework of the Technological forum “TECHNOFEST”.

2019 was full of achievements and innovations for the company:

  • HALTEK engineers have developed and patented a new series of milling cutters for titanium processing and turbine and compressor blades manufacturing.
  • In 2019, the Ulyanovsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry received an examination report on the compliance of manufactured industrial products with the requirements for their classification as products manufactured in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • HALTEK has received the status of “Official technology partner of Schunk, Germany in the direction of Vero-S Aviation in Russia”. Vero-S Aviation-a new variant for Russian aircraft factories basing long parts, allowing to remove internal stresses, without loss of technological bases during machining on the machine table.
  • The tool management system TMS Gold ZOLLER was introduced at the own production of HALTEK, the processing center Mazak Integrex i-200S was put into operation and the revolutionary technology of production of gears by Power Skiving method was mastered, which reduces the machine time for cutting teeth more than 10 times.
  • Also in its own production company HALTEK has implemented a system of continuous monitoring of the machine Park on the BASIS of software SMoothMonitor from Mazak.


Projects launched in 2019:

  • Manufacture of 58 titanium units of medical devices for prosthetics for CITO
  • Elaboration of the technological process of mechanical treatment of the spar for Aviastar-SP
  • Elaboration of a number of complex details for Geophysics
  • Implemented Tool Management project on Nemak, GidroMash, UMZ, etc .
  • Two such systems have also been contracted to Russian enterprises.


Participant of RAWI Forum 2020

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