On December 4, the production of Vestas blades was ceremoniously introduced in Ulyanovsk. Earlier, on May 21 of this year, the Company launched a plant for the production of gondolas for its wind turbines, and the Spain-based Windar Renewables’ plant for the wind generator towers production is expected to be launched next year. Thus, the Company fulfills the conditions of a special investment contract (SPIC) and consistently localizes the production of its wind generators in Russia.
Vestas Manufacturing Rus, the Fund by Fortum PJSC and RUSNANO JSC, the Government of the Ulyanovsk Oblast and Dars (the local company) took part in creating the blades manufacturing capabilities.
According to Vestas Manufacturing Rus, more than 55 units of 62 meter long blades will be produced (each weighing from 12 to 13 tons) in the two so-called molds, forms for the production of blades through vacuum infusion technology, in 2019.
This amount partially supplies the needs for the construction of wind farms using Vestas wind turbines. SPIC allows the company to consistently increase the share of locally produced equipment. These blades are used in V124 wind turbines (124 m rotor diameter) on a 4MW-platform, the industrial derivation of which are the wind turbines of 3.6, 3.8, 4.2 MW capacities.
The industrial site has been put into operation in less than a year. The works at the AeroComposit JSC plant, taken on a long-term lease, started early this year. The partners have already invested more than one billion rubles and the amount of investments is still growing as the site is being improved and expanding. The full range of the implementation program will reach completion next year.