Report on the windPRO course
The Russian Association of Wind Power Industry held from from November 28 to December 1, 2017 in Moscow a course on planning and design of windmills with the help of the licensed product windPRO. The course is presented in Russia for the first time, it was conducted by a German teacher from EMD Deutschland GbR, the European representative of the software developer company windPRO EMD International A / S. This course was supported by the Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences. V.P. Ivannikova. WindPRO is a modular software for the planning and design of wind power projects. This software provides access to global and regional databases using the WAsP method, enables you to make environmental calculations and predict the generation of electricity, calculate the effectiveness of the project, create a visual picture of the project in 3-D with specific location and terrain. The purpose of this course was to train specialists who, on the basis of a license package, WindPRO, without involving third-party, expensive experts, will independently conduct the necessary calculations and design the wind farm. As a result of 3-day training, 5 specialists mastered the use of basic software tools for the development of wind power projects. As a result of the course participants received international certificates of successful completion and, importantly, subsequent consulting support for software experts. The Association plans to continue organizing the WindPro courses in the next year, 2018. RAWI thanks the course teacher David Fritsch, interpreter Sergey Strizhak and the direct participants for their professionalism and friendly atmosphere, and also wishes all the creative WINDS successful!