RES CDA 2.0 Scope Remains Unchanged. Government to Reschedule Bid Proposal

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The Russian government is not abandoning the programme to support renewable energy; however the competitive bidding of wind projects under RES CDA 2.0 should be delayed up to 2023.

This position was voiced by Andrey Maximov, director of department of power engineering development of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, at the panel session of the Ecology International Forum. The speaker stressed that the programme’s targets remain the same: by 2030, the Clean Power federal project plans to increase renewables-based generation to 12 GW. At the same time, bidding for projects under the programme to support sustainable energy on the wholesale and retail markets will be delayed up to 2023 to allow investors to decide on corporate strategies and fix all problems with supply chains.

Andrey Maximov said, “We are working out and at the level of federal agencies have agreed on the following decision. We ask the government to support it at the final level – to move the biddings under the programme to support sustainable energy in the wholesale and retail market to 2023. Now they have been temporarily shifted to autumn.” In his opinion, foreign economic pressure and possible difficulties with equipment supply cannot be treated lightly now.

Among the means that would give companies implementing renewable energy projects an additional economic incentive, Andrei Maximov named the green certificate system, which is currently being discussed at the Russian government level.

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