LenTISIZ CJSC Is a New Member of the RAWI

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The largest survey contracting company in the Northwestern Federal District of Russia, specialising in performing complex engineering surveys using the most advanced survey machinery supplied by the best Russian and global manufacturers, has joined the RAWI.

The company offers participants of the Russian wind energy market a full range of services in the field of engineering surveys for construction:

– Engineering and geodetic survey and topographical survey

– Engineering and geological and geotechnical survey

– Engineering and hydrometeorological survey

– Engineering and environmental survey

– Hydrogeological survey

– Geotechnical and subsoil laboratory services

– Geophysical survey and other special tasks

LenTISIZ performed engineering surveys for projects such as: the Sviritsa wind farm, Pulkovo Airport renovation, renovation and technical re-equipment of Severnaya Verf and Admiralty Shipyards, projects of almost all car-making factories in St. Petersburg, technical re-equipment and renovation of production sites of PhosAgro, EuroChem and Severstal. Since its foundation in 1962, the company has carried out engineering surveys for more than 14 thousand projects throughout Russia and the CIS-countries. The company employs more than 140 specialists in the field of survey work, 36 of whom are included in the National Register of Specialists in Engineering Survey and Architectural and Construction Design (NRS) of the National Association of Surveyors and Designers (NOPRIZ), the leading specialists of the company have certificates of state experts in engineering surveys. The company can perform engineering surveys in hard-to-reach areas, including the use of tracked drilling equipment and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Besides having a SRO (self-regulatory organization) clearance on performance of all kinds of engineering surveys including level 1 responsibility objects, the company has all necessary licenses and qualification for performance of engineering surveys for the most difficult projects with the their subsequent support in undergoing the Glavgosexpertiza (General Board of State Expert Review) expert appraisal.

Click here to view the company presentation (in English)

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