Rosnano insists on the extension of the program of RES support will not affect the growth of prices for electricity.

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The average annual increase in electricity prices, according to Rusnano estimates in 2018-2035. will make about 4.7%, of which renewable energy (RES) will account for only 0.3%. This was reported to journalists by the head of the Block for the Development of Prospective Projects of the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Rusnano MC Alisher Kalanov.

“Average annual growth for the period 2018-2035. of the total payment for electricity [including the network component, marketing surcharges and infrastructure payments – approx. Ed.] will be 4.7%, of which the contribution of the LTCE of RES 2.0 [the program of measures of state support for the development of RES after 2024 – approx. Ed.] will be only 0.3%, “he said, TASS reported.

State support for the construction of generating facilities based on renewable energy sources (LTCE RES), involving a return on investment with a guaranteed return, are in operation until 2024, but now the question is raised on the need to extend the program after 2024.

Earlier, Kalanov told reporters that Rosnano believes that the current state support for renewable energy (renewable energy) should be extended by the end of its completion for another 10 years.

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