In case you have no a strong bolt – you have nothing.

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ITF Group LLC, technology provider of Dürer Group of Companies, engineering in the field of fasteners, and its anti-corrosion protection, manufacture of fasteners with zinc-lamellar coating

The Dürer Group of companies has many years of experience in the field of fittings engineering and its protection against corrosion. The development and production of threaded connections with zinc-laminate coating DELTA MKS® are a priority in the company’s activities. Components for coverage under the licensed agreement are made by the partner company DORKEN MKS-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG. KG (Germany) and are the only certified coating for fastening components of wind power plants of world leaders such as Vestas (RAWI member), Enercon, General Electrics (RAWI member), Fuhrlander (RAWI member), Suzlon, Acciona. Fixing elements meet the highest requirements for corrosion protection, due to which they found application in the equipment of critical facilities in solar and wind power engineering, machine building, metallurgy, bridge construction, oil and gas industry and many others. The production is located on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is equipped with modern high-tech equipment, which is discussed and managed by experienced Russian specialists.

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