December 14, 2021, at 12:00 p.m., the RAWI is hosting a webinar in conjunction with the Global Wind Organisation (GWO), and the Baltic Offshore Training Centre (BOTC).
The discussion will focus on the application of GWO standards in Russian wind power and their role in improving the skills of wind farm employees and reducing injuries at all stages of wind farm construction and operation.
The webinar speakers will be:
- Paul Robbins, Chairman, Chief H&S Specialist. GWO Executive Committee, Vestas
- Ralph Savage, Director, Global Development & Stakeholder Relations, GWO
- Mikhail Kuzmich, Board Member, Baltic Offshore Training Centre (BOTC)
Webinar participants will learn who needs to be trained and why, what risks staff face when working on wind projects, and whether GWO training programmes take national regulatory requirements into account.
The webinar will be useful for designers/developers of wind farms, heads of consulting and construction companies performing contract work on wind power plants, managers and responsible executives in the wind power industry, specialists performing construction supervision and author supervision, heads and managers of companies considering wind power as a new field of activity, specialists planning to work in the wind power.
As a reminder, Vestas (a RAWI member), the world’s largest manufacturer of wind turbines, announced on November 25, 2021, its intention to adopt GWO training standards for its 10,000 technicians as well as subcontractors working with wind turbines, and called on training centres to get certified and meet the global demand for 500,000 certified technicians by 2025.