The Marchenkovskaya wind farm, consisting of 48 wind turbines with a cumulative capacity of 120 MW, was the company’s first wind farm in the Rostov Oblast. The tip height of the wind turbines is 150 m. The blades are 50 metres long and weigh 8.6 tonnes each. The total weight of each unit is approximately 320 tonnes.
The new wind farm is furnished with equipment produced in Russia with the local content level being 68%. The key components and units of the wind turbines are also manufactured in the city of Volgodonsk, Rostov Oblast. In addition, the company has succeeded in increasing the local content level of Russia’s new promising technology for gearless direct-drive permanent magnet generator. Participation in the project has enabled many Russian companies to master wind turbine manufacturing technology.
By the end of this year, NovaWind plans to commission two more wind farms with a total capacity of 180 MW in the neighbouring Stavropol Krai.