N-UDAV Electrodes to Work Beyond Arctic Circle

In January 2021, Saint-Petersburg-based VOLT-SPB Ltd completed the delivery of maintenance-free salt discharge (ground) electrodes to a wind farm under construction in the Murmansk Oblast. This is the third wind project in Russia to use the company’s earthing solutions. The total number of electrodes produced for the facility amounted to almost 2,000 sets.
A peculiarity of the wind farm, let alone that it is located beyond the Polar Circle, is the location of all construction objects on ledge rock and coarse-clastic soils which considerably narrows the customer’s choice of technical solutions in terms of earthing with installation of vertical earth electrodes being a tough task, and a horizontal conductor in the form of band steel not allowing to achieve the required normalised impedance values. Tha’s why the only solution was the use of maintenance-free horizontal-type N-UDAV salt discharge electrodes which not only solved the problem of achieving rated values but also reduced costs of customer’s organisation of grounding compared to other types of ground electrodes.
You can see the supervised installation of the earthing devices captured on a video at the wind farm site in southern Russia here.
VOLT SPb was among sponsors of the International RAWI Forum 2020. You can see how the Forum was held at https://rawi.ru/en/tag/rawiforum20202/
We would like to remind you that the RAWI Forum 2021, the Russia’s major wind power industry forum, will be held in December 2021. More details can be found by clicking on the link.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the event!