On December 3, 2020, the Russian Association of the Wind Industry (RAWI) and the CCILR Luso-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) signed a cooperation agreement. This event took place within the Third Russia-Portugal Business Forum “Innovation: New opportunities and challenges”, which was held in online environments.
Cooperation of the parties provides for:
- development of international level communication renewables-related platforms
- search and development of new partnerships between representatives of Russia and Portugal’s business communities
- promotion of the renewables topic in the public information field
- holding joint events
RAWI believes the agreement will serve to create favourable conditions for the wind energy development and related business in general. The cooperation will facilitate the establishment of business contacts between Russian and Portuguese companies, provide practical assistance in carrying out export work, and will make it possible for Russian companies to get acquainted with the Portuguese experience and technologies in the wind energy sector.
Bruno V. Cota, President of the CCILR Luzo-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said, “This partnership agreement between CCILR and RAWI represents a new positive phase in the further development of projects, in the exchange of information, exchange of experience between the Portuguese-speaking countries and Russia.”
About the wind energy market of Portugal
Wind energy is one of the main sources of power in Portugal. According to the Portuguese Renewable Energy Association (APREN), in 2019, wind energy alone accounted for 27% of total power generation. Local renewable energy projects produced 27,828 GWh, or 55% of total power generation in Portugal (50,401 GWh).
By 2050, Portugal plans to become 100% renewables. The country, being 180 times smaller than Russia in terms of territory, has 239 wind farms with a cumulative capacity of 5270 MW.
The end of 2019 marked a milestone in the development of wind power in Portugal. On November 22, 2019, a record 103.1 GWh of wind energy was produced, and in December, renewables were covering 100% of the country’s energy consumption for 131 hours, or 5.5 days. This demonstrates the high sustainability of the country’s power system where a high degree of renewables are integrated.
Источник https://www.apren.pt/en/publications/apren/aprens-2020-yearbook
About RAWI
The Russian Association of Wind Power Industry is an independent nonprofit entity established in 2004 and cultivating the wind energy market.
The Association’s goal is to provide positive hands-on assistance and support to market participants in their entrance to the market, mastering the production, developing of wind parks and receiving the orders for the wind turbines components, for design, construction and logistics services and other services, rendered by its members.
The increasing list of the members of the RAWI includes 167 corporate bodies representing all segments of the wind energy market among which are the leading global OEMs, the Russian and foreign industrial and power engineering flagships, logistics, engineering, design & construction and insurance companies, research & development and educational establishments, and diplomatic organisations.
The RAWI has a high level of competence, lobbies the interests of its members and, thanks to an established wide circle of associates in relevant government agencies and state-owned corporations, contributes to the development of the wind business of its members. Internal communication and interaction and the competencies exchange in the Association also contribute to the development of the business of new members of the Association.
The CCILR mission is to promote a mutually beneficial economic relationship between Russia and Portuguese-speaking countries at the highest levels of business and government via advocacy, engagement, and communications.
The CCILR is a unique platform for companies to engage with policymakers from the Russia and Portuguese-speaking countries and is a powerful conduit for inputs into the business negotiations, debates on key business policy issues, and future bilateral talks.
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