Moscow-based ITS Is a New Certified Partner of the RAWI FORUM 2020



Since 2015, the Inzhenernie Tehnicheskie Sistemi (ITS) LLC has been engaged in technologies of non-destructive testing and is the official distributor of the OLYMPUS, a recognised world’s leading expert in the decision of science-intensive range of problems.

The company specialises in portable equipment, which allows for immediate determining the status of industrial facilities and finished products of enterprises, to identify and reliably assess the defects detected, visualising the information obtained for its further processing and convenient perception. Major enterprises of nuclear, oil and gas, chemical and aerospace industries are among clients of the company, as well as companies that need regular product and manufacturing capacity quality inspection.

OLYMPUS has considerable global experience in practical application of methods of non-destructive testing in wind power industry, both at the stage of production of units and structures, and in the wind turbines operation. OLYMPUS-made equipment is indispensable when using ultrasonic control technique, and in particular when using the method of testing on phased arrays, to control the condition of tower structures, turbine blades, welded joints, to detect stratification and corrosion processes, as well as in the application of video-endoscopy during the inspection of blades and gearboxes to detect corrosion processes, damage and foreign objects.

During the upcoming forum, an ITS specialist will make a report on the experience of using OLYMPUS-made industrial equipment and practical solutions for non-destructive testing in wind turbines.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the RAWIFORUM2020 in Moscow on February 19-20!

Forum programme | Participant registration
