Jeroen Ketting, the founder of The Lighthouse Groupe consulting company and the owner of 3 businesses in Russia: Lighthouse Management, Lighthouse Technologies, Ketting Valuetainment, is taking part in the plenary session of the RAWI Forum 2020, the main Forum of Russian wind industry, as the session moderator on February 19, 2020.
Wind power industry with ever increasing frequency is mentioned as the leading source of energy in Europe by 2030 and the ‘backbone of the energy transition’. This embracement in itself is a major achievement for the wind industry. But are we striving to modernise Russia’s power supply system? Is there a room for renewable energy in it? What are the possible future scenarios for the development of the wind industry in Russia? The Russian renewable energy support programme is said to be one of the best in the world, but will it further stimulate investment and determine the rate of transition or downright prevent it?
The session will bring together representatives of the authorities and heads of major international and Russian companies that are creating the wind industry of the future in Russia today, who will express their views on the future of the wind industry in Russia.