The number of participants in the Russian wind energy market is growing and more and more projects are being considered by banks or investors. Recall that in view of previous tenders and the results of the tender of 2017, until 2022 will be comissioned in total 2 295 MW of wind farms in Russia. This is a serious challenge for the new market and banks need to carefully evaluate the quality of projects. Therefore, when considering a wind farm project by a bank to provide a loan or guarantee, or when acquiring a share of a project by a partner, it is necessary to verify the reliability and quality of the data provided by the client (developer). For these purposes, RAWI, as an independent auditor, provides a financial and technical audit of any wind farm project with the involvement of experienced experts. During the audit, not only the report on the results of wind measurements can be checked, but also the entire set of documents provided for investment. Documents for compliance with Russian legislation will also be checked. Supervision in the investor’s interest for the quality of work on the construction of a wind farm can be provided as well. Such an audit of the investment project makes a clear picture of the project for the investor and identifies possible project shortcomings.More
The Russian Association of the Wind Power Industry to audit wind parks for a banks.