06.12.17. Xth National Conference of Russian Wind Power



Anniversary, Xth National Conference

of the Russian Association of the Wind Industry (RAWI)

“Wind power in Russia. Summing up the results of 2017, prospects and challenges of development “

Date: December 6th, 2017.

Venue: Novotel, Moscow City 

Moscow, Presnenskaya emb., 2, metro Vystavochnaya

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The organizers of the event are the Russian Association of the Wind Industry (RAWI), with the active support of the Nanotechnology Center ULNANOTECH and the Russian National Committee of the World Energy Council (RNC WEC). Speakers of the event – representatives of the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Construction, regulators of the Russian energy market, investors, global manufacturers of wind generators, representatives of utilities, developers of wind parks, investment funds and banks. Wind power becomes a significant energy trend globaly and in Russia. Starting 2017 is expected commissioning of wind farms to several hundred megawatts per year. Market players will have to do a lot on the wholesale market and in fact launch the retail market and expand the use of wind power systems in territories isolated from centralized networks. Investors, including companies with state shares, invest heavily in construction of wind farms, production of components for wind turbines in Russia. The issue of further supporting RES after 2024 is very important for them. Participants of the event will sum up the results of the year, will receive answers for questions about the main trends in the development of the industry. Given the high level of invited speakers, interesting reports await the participants. It is planned to sign agreements that affect the development of the market in the future during the conference.

Program of the Xth of the National Conference *

 “Wind power in Russia. Summing up the results of 2017, prospects and challenges of development 

10:00 11:30 Plenary session. Is the wind energy market in Russia. What is his future after 2024? The point of view of regulators and market participants. The position of the government, market regulators and investors regarding the further support of wind power in Russia on the wholesale and retail markets. Perspective model. Volumes. Approaches. The experience of foreign market participants in its development. Moderator: Igor Bryzgunov, Chairman of RAWI Participants of the discussion: Yesyakov Sergey Yakovlevich, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Energy Belik Vadim Danilovich, Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Republic of Crimea Kalanov Alisher Bakhadirovich, Head of the Prospective Projects Development Unit of the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Rusnano Andrey Maksimov, Deputy Director of the Department for the Development of the Electric Power Industry of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation; Yuri Spiridonov, President of the Russian Investment Agency; Emin Askerov, Deputy General Director – Director for Development and International Business of JSC “OTEC”, ROSATOM Andreas Schreter, executive vice president and regional manager of DNV GL-Energia
11.30  12.00 Coffee break
12:00  13:30

Session 1

Local content production and production of wind generators in Russia – what has been done and how serious are the intentions of vendors to develop this segment of the market?

What is done and how serious are the intentions of vendors to develop this segment of the market? Opinions of manufacturers of wind generators, power engineering companies, component manufacturers. Is the Russian industry able to produce new high-tech components for wind power. Moderator: Andrey Redkin, CEO of ULNANOTECH

Participants of the discussion:

Oleg Tokarev, Deputy Director of the Machine-Building and Investment Machinery Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation; Mikkel Villadsen – Vestas Wind Systems A/S Project Management Specialist. Ozerov Sergey, director for production of the company “Novavind” (Rosatom) Igor Scherer – Head of Manufacturing of Siemens Gas Turbine Technology Radik Yanabayev, Regional Manager Russia and CIS “Owens Corning” Douglas Parks, CEO of DowAksa
13.30 14.00  Coffee break
14:00 15:30

Session 2

Synergy of two segments of the wind power market in Russia.

What is more promising to develop in the cold Russian climate: local systems for remote regions or wind farms of the wholesale market? Will the successful development of one technology contribute to accelerating the payback of projects by another? Experience of regions developing wind energy, companies producing equipment for wholesale and retail market, accumulation systems. Moderator: Zubakin Vasily Alexandrovich, Head of the Department of Coordination of Power Sales and Operations of PJSC “LUKOIL”

Participants of the discussion:

Kaplun Alexey Alexandrovich, Director of the Prospective Development Department, PJSC “RusHydro” Ermakov Anton Alexandrovich General Director of SUE RK “Crimean generating systems”

Yury Vasiliev Director of Institute of Arctic Studies, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Kaori Nakajima, Manager, Projects Development Division, Mitsui Tokyo Nikolai Duraev, First Deputy Minister of Housing and Communal Services and Energy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Masolov Vladimir Gennadievich, General Director of OOO “VDM – Technics”
15.30  16.00 Coffee break
16:00 17:30

Session 3

Introduction of new participants in the wind energy market of Russia

Presentations of companies that entered the Russian wind power market in 2017.

Moderator: Igor Bryzgunov, RAWI Chairman

Participants of the discussion:

Company “ASOKA”, “Technology of durable filling of joints between the concrete basement of the foundation and the anchor ring of the wind turbine”;

Company “HYTORC”, “Possibilities of using HYTORC torque wrenches for installing and servicing wind turbines”

Company JSC “NTC UES (Moscow Branch)” “Preparation of a scheme for issuing power for wind farms – work experience (draft wording)

Anders Voldsgaard Clausen, Global Key Account Director, Hempel Global Experience in Wind Power.

“Blastman” Company, Roman Lomtsov, “Robotic shot blasting of the elements of the windmill (hub, gondola frame, gondola, tower of the windmill) before their subsequent painting”.

Koray Altinkilic, CETWIND ENERGY, “Project Management of a Wind Farm”.

Kuznetsova Anna Viktorovna, Tensar Innovative Solutions “Technologies of mechanical stabilization and reinforcement of soil during construction of wind energy facilities”

17:30 18:30 Master Class Master-class from DNV-GL “Success loves trained – technical risks when developing projects, construction and operation of wind farms”.  Marek Roszak Section head Poland, DNV GL Energy 
